Commander2 - Wallbox EV charger for business

Last Mile Delivery Services: Aim for Full Electric Fleet

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Paack Logistics has recorded impressive growth since its conception just five years ago. The product is a pioneering delivery solution for eCommerce, with an exceptional stance on sustainability. 

Having pledged their commitment with the UNFCC to become a carbon-neutral business by 2024, they intend to continue their mission to reduce the substantial CO2 footprint of the last mile in eCommerce, the step in the delivery process with the greatest CO2 impact. To do so, they put their heads together and produced a sustainability model focusing on three pillars.

Sustainability Pillars:

  1. Measure: Evaluating the full impact that deliveries have on the planet by assessing their carbon footprint
  1. Reduce
  • Optimization of routes and logistics
  • Ensuring efficient deliveries by avoiding  2nd or 3rd attempts
  • Strategic location of warehouses
  • Development of a fully electric delivery fleet
  1. Compensate: The impact of CO2 emissions from all activities carried out by Paack like deliveries not fulfilled by their electric car fleet need to be offset. To do so, Paack takes part in initiatives such as responsible reforestation by planting trees. 

The goal was set: Paack Logistics announced its plan to become the first fully electric fleet to provide last-mile delivery services for eCommerce in big cities. Given that Spain is the company’s principal market, it seemed fitting to follow an ambitious plan for the electrification of its fleets.

The Challenge

With plans to expand to A Coruña, Bilbao, Sevilla, Málaga, and Madrid by the second half of 2021, the first 10 charging points were commissioned for the Paack Logistics Center in Valencia. One factor that hampered this sustainability scheme’s success was finding a charger that could stand up to such a high level of outdoor use. Multiple delivery drivers needed to charge their vehicles each day to continue Paack’s 98% punctual delivery rating. For this reason, finding an option that crossed quality with ease of use and efficiency was key for their electric vehicle fleet management. 

Commander 2

The Solution

Here is where Wallbox stepped in. Not only do we lead the market with highly advanced chargers, but we’re one of the very few companies who offer a 360 solution. This ranges from software management to installation and after-sales support with maintenance and CPO (Charging Point Operator) services.

With the project scope defined, and the recharge solution aligned with the customer requirements, our expert technicians worked hand in hand with Paack’s facility managers. We provided detailed assessments of their infrastructures, making sure electrical installation upgrades would meet the power requirements to fill the vehicles in time.

Our Charge Point Operators team took care of Paack’s charging installations using the myWallbox platform. We continue to provide support to facility managers and keep equipment updated. This ensures no charging equipment ever stops drivers from working and performing their daily duties. 

Wallbox Chargers used in Paack’s Electrification Process

The chargers we recommended were the Commander 2 and Copper SB models. The Commander 2 features a 7-inch touch screen linked to the myWallbox platform, providing a highly interactive and user-friendly charging experience. Another reason this model was perfect for the job was that thanks to its personalized user interface, different drivers would have their accounts, giving Paack maximum insight and reporting abilities. 

The second charger commissioned was the Copper SB, which provides unrivalled flexibility with a universal socket and multiple user access. The Copper SB charger is also able to automatically distribute available energy to other connected chargers, making it smart in function, and appearance.

“Partnering with Wallbox brought us the opportunity to expand our electric fleet in a flexible and efficient manner. Wallbox’s 360 solution not only provides the electric chargers, but also assists on product selection, is responsible for installation, and maintenance. Thanks to their adaptability, we are a step closer to reaching our sustainability goals”

Allende irazola, operational excellence analyst at paack

The Outcome

Some benefits Paack found from using Wallbox recharge infra solution went beyond just day-to-day ease of use. These included: 

  • A CO2 reduction of 62,6 tonnes per year for their electric vehicle fleet consisting of 12 cars that travel 438.000 Kms per year.
  • This CO2 emissions saved supposes an energy cost saving equal to 5 average homes per year
  • Amount fixed costs savings of €23,000 per year, just in gas usage.

Thanks to this successful launch partnering with Wallbox, Paack is planning on launching EVs featuring electric vehicle fleet charging n other Spanish cities and even branching them into France later this year. 

Visit our website to see our full range of products and help your business reach success sustainably.