OZEV Grant Changes and Workplace Charging SchemeEverything

8 minutes

Better savings are now guaranteed under the revised OZEV grant workplace charging scheme. The 2020 Budget confirmed that businesses investing in electric vehicle charging stations are now entitled to more savings. 

These changes were linked to how much a business would receive for each EV charging point installed, how many chargers they could install under the grant scheme and how much each business could save.

In fact, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was quoted the week before the OZEV changes came into force, saying: “No electric vehicle owner should be more than 30 miles away from their nearest charge point.” Demonstrating just how high up on the Government agenda EV technology is. 

What Are the Key Changes to the OZEV Workplace Charging Scheme?

The most important change implemented as of the 1st April 2020 is a new higher maximum saving threshold. The number of sockets one business can request financial support for has doubled from 20 to 40, meaning a company installing the maximum number of charge points can claim financial assistance up to the higher level of £14,000; a real demonstration of the Government’s commitment to EV adoption. 

The other key change is that OZEV will now pay £350 per charging socket installed, compared to the previous amount of £500. The same changes were made to the domestic grant too. Remember, the grant is issued based on installation date, not order date, so installations completed on/after 1st April 2020 can receive the lower sum. Businesses can claim for either 40 single sockets or 20 double sockets under the new regulations, across any number of sites.

What Type of Businesses are Eligible under the Workplace Charging Scheme?

The WCS is available to any business, charity or public authority, but you must have sufficient off-street parking used for employees or fleet vehicles. You must either legally own or manage the land on which the car park sits, or have permission from the landowner- you can’t install a charge point on the street.

You must either have an immediate requirement for EV charging facilities (current electric or hybrid cars in your fleet or owned by employees) or be able to prove a business interest or future requirement for EVs.

There are other guidelines for more complex business structures and limits surrounding the car park site and location. You can read the eligibility criteria in this guide, produced by OZEV.

The simplest way to get your installation and grant application correct is to work with an approved OZEV installer, who can guide you through the process from start to finish.

I’ve Only Just Found Out Financial Support Is Available, and Our Sockets Have Already Been Installed, What Should I Do?

Unfortunately, you can’t claim retrospectively for sockets that have already been installed. That being said, it’s highly likely as we move towards the 2035 target of banning the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles, your business will need more charge points, so you can start claiming then and you will be entitled to claim for the full 40 sockets from that point forwards. 

workplace charging scheme

How is the Grant Expected to Help Businesses?

Just a matter of weeks after the changes came into force, the UK entered COVID-19 lockdown, which meant the immediate impact of these changes was delayed.

That said, industry experts expect that new supporting evidence for the proactive rollout of EV technology will emerge based on how rapidly the air quality improved during lockdown when less cars were on the road. Further fuelling Government incentives to support businesses in their quest to offer EV charging points in their car parks. 

It is also expected that personal car use will increase in our new COVID-secure society as people avoid the use of public transportation.

Are all chargers covered by the Workplace Charging Scheme?

No. Not all chargers are approved by OZEV and installing a non-approved model will make you exempt from financial support. Wallbox is an OZEV approved manufacturer of smart EV charging technology, with dedicated experts available to answer your questions. Find out more about how you can take advantage of the OZEV grant – get in touch today.