Osprey Charging Network has earned a strong reputation for providing a reliable and straightforward EV charging experience

Wallbox Collaborates with Osprey for Enhanced EV Charging

6 minutes

Wallbox has partnered with Osprey Charging Network, one of the UK’s largest and most trusted rapid electric vehicle (EV) charging networks, to improve charge point availability and energy efficiency.

The Challenge: Enhancing Rapid EV Charging with Osprey

Osprey Charging Network has earned a strong reputation for providing a reliable and straightforward EV charging experience. However, they faced a challenge in their journey to increase the number of rapid chargers at their low-voltage connection stations. It was essential that any new hardware met Osprey’s high standards for reliability, ease of use, and full visibility on their charger management platform, Osprey Iris. 

The Solution: Wallbox Supernova’s Role in Meeting Osprey’s Demands

Wallbox had the perfect solution to Osprey’s challenge. With its robust power setup, ease of installation and maintenance, and user-friendly features, including integrated bank card and RFID card readers, Supernova met all of Osprey’s requirements. Wallbox’s software platform seamlessly integrated with Osprey’s Iris platform via OCPP to manage the hardware, enabling Osprey to have full visibility of their network’s health and ensure smooth operations. 

The Result: Revolutionising EV Charging in the UK with Wallbox

Wallbox Supernovas are now installed on the High Street in Hemel Hempstead and the Towneley Garden Centre in Burnley, with Wallbox ready to help expand the Osprey network all across the country. Soon Osprey sites will boast some 125 Supernovas, complete with WBX care program; offering preventative and corrective maintenance to their Supernova fleet.

Osprey Charging Network has earned a strong reputation for providing a reliable and straightforward EV charging experience
Osprey Charging Network has earned a strong reputation for providing a reliable and straightforward EV charging experience

Environmental Impact: Supernova’s Contribution to Sustainability

As more units are rolled out in multiple locations across the UK, the partnership is poised to achieve fantastic energy efficiency. On average, each Supernova will save an impressive 60.8 tons of CO2 over its lifecycle, contributing significantly to environmental sustainability.

This collaboration will not only enhance the Osprey network but also offer a reliable and convenient charging experience to EV drivers across the UK. Both Wallbox and Osprey are dedicated to scaling up this public charging infrastructure to facilitate the transition to emissions-free transportation.

Scaling Up EV Charging Infrastructure Across the UK

“We are excited to partner with Osprey to offer EV drivers across the UK access to a reliable DC charging network,”  said Phil Bond, DC Key Account Manager UK+IE. “Designed to fit into a wide variety of locations, the first 125 Supernova rapid chargers will be deployed in more than 15 locations across the UK.”

“Our partnership with Wallbox enables us to increase the number of rapid chargers we can easily install at locations with low-voltage connections, which means more rapid charge points for the UK’s EV drivers in places that are convenient to them,” said Lewis Gardiner, Head of Operations, Osprey Charging Network. “Wallbox’s Supernova rapid charger meets our needs for power availability, ease of installation and maintenance, while offering the seamless experience and payment options we expect as standard for our customers.”