Electrical vehicles were once a trend that fell out of fashion – and they are destined to again. That’s the myth anyway.
But before you go hitting the breaks on on the EV revolution, how about a history lesson?
In 1890, spectators stood in awe when William Morrison took out a wagon capable of reaching a speed of 23 kilometres per hour out for a ride. It was quiet, easy to drive and didn’t pollute like fuel engine cars.
It was the first successful electric vehicle in the US!
Word of mouth quickly spread and it wasn’t long until electric cars gained popularity among urban residents, and inspired innovators like Thomas Edison who began exploring new ways to improve its technology.
With Henry Ford’s mass-produced Model T. and the discovery of cheaper crude oil, the demand for electric vehicles downturned and almost disappeared by 1935.
But that didn’t last long!
It only took a few years for gas prices to soar again, paving the way for the next generation of electric vehicles. Among them: Sebring-Vanguard’s Citicar, a wedge-shaped compact car in 1975, General Motors EV1 in 1996, and Toyota’s first mass-produced hybrid, the Prius in 2000- a great hit among celebrities.
Today, we’ve re-defined the quality of electric vehicles surpassing that of fuel engine cars: efficiency, speed, and a reduced CO2 print. For example, Tesla Models S and X allow drivers to travel 480 kilometres before being charged again.
Now EV owners are at their all-time high and growing.
But charging speed and infrastructure are still the main concerns worldwide.
Even the Netherlands, a country with an extensive network of 82,000 chargers, only has 3,000 fast chargers at its disposal.
So, what are the following steps to improve the EV charging infrastructure of tomorrow?

Partial and complete subsidies by governments worldwide!
Most countries have already set ambitious targets. By 2030, Europe expects to invest over 10 billion in charging development and the US to build half a million chargers.
Ready to fuel the transition? Find out more about how you can save money on your EV and accessories by reading our blog!